Slim Nate

Custom Contextually Colored Cards with SCSS

How to make custom contextually colored cards with SCSS Introduction How Colors Icons Usage Code Introduction During the course of writing my article on Advent o...

2022 Advent of Code solutions

An overview of interesting thoughts and observations during my completion of the 2022 Advent of Code challenges. Introduction Tooling Challenge Runner Helper Functions T...

Beautiful Forms with Skeleton UI and SvelteKit

Process of redesigning the booking form for Dream Capture Co website with Skeleton UI for greater customizability. Introduction SkeletonUI Tailwind Config Main layout ...

Migrating Jekyll Blog from GCP to Netlify

Migrating a static Jekyll blog from Google Cloud Platform to Netlify Introduction Github pages GCP Migrating to Netlify 1. Create Project 2. Add Domain...

Dream Capture Co - Photography Website

Overview of design and development of a portfolio and session booking website for Dream Capture Co photography. Built with SvelteKit and TailwindCSS What + Why? Goals/Requirements ...

eipc-api - Electron IPC API Generator

Process of developing a Node.js library for easily registering namespaced API’s through Electron’s IPC feature. eipc-api - Electron IPC API Generator Before/After Without eipc-api p...

Keeper - The Photographers Post-Shoot Pre-Processor

The photographers post-shoot pre-processor. Electron app for photographers to go through a large batch of images, choose which ones to keep, and export those images to a new “keeper” folder. Wh...

Hosting a Blog with Jekyll and Github Pages

This is a story all about how, my blog got hosted online now - I’d like to take a second just listen up, I’ll tell ya how I became the host of a blog on github. (please ignore my terrible parody ...

Displaying 3D models in Jekyll blog

What + Why? How? Embeddable 3d Viewer options 1. Installing ViewSTL plugin Download files Copy files to assets Create directory for stl fi...

Project - Snake Tank Humidity Controller

As the proud owner of two beautiful ball pythons, named Drakho and Nina, I know first hand how important it is to ensure they have the proper climate control for their environment to live happy and...